Sunday, August 17, 2008

The joy of parenthood
Tonsils... John's got 'em but not for long! We just found out that our little guy, John, who just turned 3 this summer is going to have his tonsils out. I know it's not a big deal but now I feel so sorry for the little guy! As soon as I get back from Ironman Louisville we'll go to the Dr. and he'll supposedly come home a new little boy.
I thought that he just didn't eat much by choice and was a long - but light - sleeper. Come to find out a common trait among kids who have tonsil issues is that they are under weight (check), don't eat much that isn't soft (check for my vegetarian), and sleep a lot because they don't get any good nights of deep sleep! Poor little guy!

The thrill of Ironman
But I now have less than 2 weeks to Ironman Louisville and I'm entering my last week of real training. Of course, I'm starting to question if I'm ready and if I've trained enough. The answer is probably that I'll do fine but we'll find out soon! My target words during the race? Determination. Hope. Peace. Completion.

I set out to do this race for the kids and families helped by The Smile Train. If they can live their lives for as long as many of them do with the issues they face then I can do this race. After all my event is only one day. These parents look at their children every day and have to go on. They are determined. They have hope. We are giving them peace - actually 93 children so far. Their mission to help their children will be complete.

How blessed we are to have families and friends that love us and support us unconditionally. Through the generosity of many of you we've raised over $23,400 for The Smile Train. I wonder if we'll get to $25,000 before the year ends... wouldn't that be awesome!

Ta ta for now... If you are going to be at IM Louisville, look for the girl in the Blue Paradise Tri Top and Race Belt skirt. I'll do my best to smile if you say 'hi'!

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