Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Focus, focus, focus

Ever been so overwhelmed with something that you don't know where to start? I'm there - or should I say - I was there yesterday. It's Christmas time which for me means time to start planning my 2009 fundraising for The Smile Train, planning my 2009 event calendar, time to start making cookies with the kids and relaxing.

I want to do that - I really do want to relax but how! There is work (real paying-job work - not fun, non-paid Race Director work) to be done and working from home I have the down side of always having work at my fingertips whether I want it there or not.

Finally I hit a breaking point. A few choice words to my poor, sweet husband who tells me "it's my job" when I vent at him (I say at him because he never gets a chance to talk), a few tears, a few "don't cry mommy" from the kids and I'm better now.

So my magic solution to getting over this hump? Reprioritize and realize that work is just work - do the best I can do, work smart, communicate what can (and can't) be done and then just do what you can do. Make time for the fun stuff because that is what keeps you going.

I've been really good, so far, of balancing work - races - fundraising - training - family - church (not in that order of course) and I'm not going to let a few overwhelming weeks stop me. I'm inclined to believe that a lot of my self-imposed stress is me trying to please everyone which we all know never happens and also NOT being able to do my number one stress-reliever - RUN.

My new outlook for the next month while Polly is tracked out of our funky year-round school system - prioritize, work super-smart, do what I can and if something isn't getting done on time, know that I did my absolute best and that is always good enough.

Night night.

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