Saturday, December 13, 2008

Finding what you love to do!

My IT band is still mad at me however, now it's my left one. I've been going to Physical Therapy, doing my exercises, NOT running when it hurts and now my left knee/IT band hurts. This is probably the most frustrating experience I've had in my training EVER.

Coming off Ironman Louisville I was looking forward to spending my 2009 running and doing a few triathlons just to keep my biking legs going. Now I can't even run 2 miles - better yet - I walked 1.6 miles and it started to ache.

So what am I supposed to do now? I can swim but the thought of doing Masters Swimming just sounds boring. Don't get me wrong - I'm a capable swimmer; I've been in the pool since I was 4 but I'm realizing it's not what I love to do - running is!! I can do spin classes, and I am, but it's not the same feeling as going on a 2-hour long run. And it's cold and dark so the only time I can do a good ride is on the weekend in the cold mornings.

I JUST WANT TO RUN! But I'm not - I'm being a smart athlete and realizing that I can run now and not run the rest of the year or I can take this as a break, enjoy (ha!) the recovery and hope that biking will keep my legs strong.

I may not be the fastest runner out there but I love how I feel during a run and after a run. I can give up a few weeks of what I love so that I can do it for a lifetime, but it is hard!

The refreshing thing about this is that I've figured out what I really love doing - not because I'm fast (because I'm not) but running is my favorite sport in triathlon. I have big biker legs that make it so I can actually enjoy the run during most tris without losing too much ground, but for me it's not really about the speed as much as it is the team and the training. Knowing that what I am doing is making a difference for someone - even if that is only me somedays.

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