Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ahhhhh warmth!!

So it's February in North Carolina and I'm from Houston, Texas. I don't do cold - ever - don't like it, don't like being cold, not even chilled. I'd rather sweat and fry any day (but yes, when it is summer I'll say it's getting too hot!)

Anyway, on to my news!

I've discovered the greatest thing for a cold long-run since layering! The other morning I was in a hurry to get my Gatorade made. Yes I make my own at home in 1 gallon jugs with the powder because I'm frugal. So I've learned that if you make it with hot water it dissolves faster and you can put it in the fridge and go right to bed without congealed Gatorade at the bottom of your bottle.

Well - I made my gatorade, dissolved the powder then poured it in my backpack/hydration pack that I carry. I must say - I've never enjoyed warm Gatorade as much as I did on that run! I actually WANTED to drink it because with every sip I got all toasty inside.

I'm lovin my new discovery! It's like eating a warm dessert on a frigid cold run! Try it and you'll be amazed. Who'da thunk it - hot Gatorade actually can taste good!! Just don't try this on a 100mile ride in July!

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