Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My little bitty guy!

So last Thursday my little guy John (he's just 3 weighs 26.5lbs and is about 36" tall) had his tonsils and adenoids taken out.

I've heard it wasn't such a big deal and that in 3 days he'd be like new but man, is this taking a toll on him. It's Tuesday and he's still not eating much, still needing his pain medicine, and really weak.

I'm sure this is nothing compared to what some families have to go through, but man - watching your teeny-tiny little boy not eat because he's uncomfortable is tough. I know he'll eat eventually but until then I'm reminded how fragile and delicate a child can be.

However, John does get pumped up still when he watches football so I know he's spirit is still in there - he's just too tired to let it out very often.

I'm ready to have my spunky, "bad boy" (his words not mine) back!

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